Match result

Ratt League S30, Round 2 12/2 - 26/2
Team badge
Rodents Of Tara

gate: 12 000
4 TD score 1
cas score
Elven Union logo
no custom badge
The Sinful Cavalcade


Scarlett O'Hara II
Melanie Hamilton Wilkes
Mammy II
Aunt Pittypat II
TD Scorers
Dekhael Silverthigh
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off

Ashley Wilkes
Victor Fleming Bounty (30000 gp)
Badly Hurt'ers
mercenary / star
Gashith Jetfiend

Victor Fleming Bounty (30000 gp)

Pork V
Completions by
Gashith Jetfiend
Keshyla Needleflayer
Keshyla Needleflayer
Keshyla Needleflayer
Keshyla Needleflayer
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

Franklin Kennedy
MVP awards to
Dekhael Silverthigh
Sustained Injuries
Niggling Injury
Keshyla Needleflayer
Result added February 21st, 2025

Match notes

        - - empty - -

Ratt League Current Champions
Winner of Season 28
Mouse League Champion S29
Squeak League Champion S29
Flamin'go Cup Champion

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