The Caledor Princes

Race:  High Elf
Coach:  Claes
The only thing better than a dead Dwarf player, is a dying one who tells you their team tactic

The Caledor Princes team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
Jan. 5th, 2012 - old news
The Princes er noget overrasket over at der er sat en pris på 5 af deres spillers hoveder, de er jo nærmest helt grønne endnu og er jo kun med for anden sæson nu, men de føler sig osse lidt smigeret, måske det er de sidste 3 kampe der har givet 9 points og en td score på 16-4 der gjorde udfaldet.
- Claes
Nov. 13th, 2011 - old news
The Princes
The Caledor Princes is ready to Play in Season 5 :-)
- Claes
Tournaments played:
Training S6, Season 5, Season 4, Training S7, Training S8, Training S11, Træning S12, Training S22, RattLeagueS22v2
Trophies won:
2nd place: Season 4


Ratt League Current Champions
Winner of Season 27
Mouse League Champion S28
Squeak League Champion S28
Flamin'go Cup Champion

Latest matches:
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