Pia's Little Elves

Race:  Elven Union
Coach:  Pia

Pia's Little Elves team badge
Bulletin board from the coach


Tournaments played:
Madness II, Training S14, Season 14 SoTA, Season 15 STB, Training S16, Training S22, Training S23, Training S 24, Ratt League S24, Ratt League S25, Training S25, Training S26, Ratt League S26, Training S 27, Ratt League S28, Ratt League S29
Playing in:
Training S 30
Trophies won:
3rd place: Ratt League S25, Ratt League S26, Ratt League S28


Ratt League Current Champions
Winner of Season 28
Mouse League Champion S29
Squeak League Champion S29
Flamin'go Cup Champion

Some names and images are ® reg. trademarks of Games Workshop    |    code based on Aros Blood Bowl League